Absolutely worth getting!

by mleather


I broke the radial head of my right arm & needed surgery & 2 screws. I was expecting a long recovery & I wasn't sure I would regain full range of motion. I am a 42y, post menopausal female, so I'm not laying bone down appreciably. I started using this about a week after surgery, once or twice a day. I did miss a day after 3 weeks and I could really tell a difference in my pain level. I was X-rayed yesterday at 5w & my Dr said the bone is healed, I will not need another X-ray. I started PT 10 days after the surgery. I have 5 degrees extension & 130 degrees flexion, the Dr had never had anyone recover so quickly from this surgery. I have also been taking a B vitamin complex, Bone Up (Jarrow), & No. 7 Joint Support (Solgar). I have used this on my hip & jaw as well for pain, it really works!